Mercy Ships Appoint Matriks

Matriks are delighted to have been tasked by the international humanitarian charity Mercy Ships to help modernise their internal technology.

Mercy Ships Appoint Matriks

Matriks are delighted to have been tasked by the international humanitarian charity Mercy Ships to help modernise their internal technology and develop new procedures to improve fundraising and awareness by developing a tailored system for speakers.

The charity, which provides life-changing medical treatment to some of the world's poorest people, relies on donations and volunteers to keep its life saving work going.

Since 1978 they have visited more than 450 ports in developing nations carrying a volunteer crew of 400 people from all over the world.

But those people – from the medical staff through to hair dressers, chefs and engineers – not only volunteer their time for free but raise their own finances to serve on board.

Matriks CEO Matt Kendall, who had the privilege of being on board the ship in Benin last year said, "I have so much admiration for this charity and for Matriks to be able to join up with them to help them bring many of their time consuming projects into a cloud-based system which will save them time and money is wonderful.

"Mercy Ships is funded by an increasing number of supporters including philanthropic organisations but many of these groups want people to talk about their experiences and why they are involved in the charity, and that is where Matriks has stepped in.

"Charities have a limited number of staff and administrative costs and need to spend their time in the most cost effective way. Using our technology we can turn a time consuming job of finding and assigning appropriate speakers for events rather than having staff spending hours on the phones contacting around 250 speakers to see if someone is available and fits the requirements for the event."

Lea Milligan, executive director at Mercy Ships UK, said: "Our network of speakers, many of whom are former volunteers from our hospital ships, is hugely important to Mercy Ships. By speaking to a variety of groups across the country, they help to spread the word about Mercy Ships work tackling diseases of poverty in Africa.

"We work hard at Mercy Ships to keep our costs down, to ensure that every pound of every donation transforms as many lives as possible.

"This system that Matriks has created will save us hours of staff time, and make it incredibly easy for groups to book Mercy Ships speakers to attend their events. This will help us tell many more people about our life-changing work, bringing free, safe medical care to people who desperately need it."